KOZEART’ mission

Since I was a young girl I loved to create. I would make all sorts of things from jewelry and clothing, to paintings and drawings. I’ve always had a passion and drive for art and it’s many many different forms. Starting my brand allowed me to share and express my art in all its versatility. It also allows other people from all over to be able to wear and display my art throughout their daily lives. It gives my customers and supporters comfortable, quality and long lasting pieces that can stay their favorite garment in their wardrobe for years to come. I hope to inspire others to also create and share it with the world! :)



Fun Fact:

Kozeart was established 02/27 of 2023, and launched 02/27 of 2024. The number 227 brings a message of faith, trust, self belief. It reminds you to step forward on your life path with confidence and grace as you are here to make a positive difference in the world, and the best way to achieve that is by being true to yourself and following the promptings of your intuition. KOZEART encourages you to maintain a positive perspective and outlook and through the spiritual law of attraction you will manifest positive results, rewards and blessings.